Training for my first real 10K

Flashback to 2009

During my senior year in undergrad I would meet up with a friend to workout at the gym. Our goal at the time was to lose our freshmen 15-30 lbs. I must have gained about 20 lbs.

One day she decided to take me to run 6 miles. This was the first time ever running that far and I didn’t know how far 6 miles would  take me to complete.  She explained to me the route and was able to visualize the route. I thought to myself, “this is no biggie,” and believe me after I hit 30 min running with no shade, hot sun blazing on my head I nearly passed out.  If I am not mistaking it must have taken us an hour and 30 min. We didn’t give up, she was determined to do this and we wanted to lose weight (haha!) So the next 3-4 times we both got better. I didn’t know anything about personal  record. I do remember being able to fun 6 miles within an hour and after that summer I return back to NYC and never kept it up. I did lose a few pounds but it wasn’t significant. 

Earlier this May 2018

I ran my first 5k ! It was amazing to see how my body was able to push through despite some health concerns that I was going through at the time and continue to deal with pain in both of my shoulder socket and knees (long story). I also found out I was anemic prior to the race. I was consistent with my training — running 3x a week and resting when I felt like my body couldn’t run anymore.  We had a mock training before the big day and that’s when I learned about personal record (PR) mines was 30:03 min. On the real race my anxiety kicked in so high at the beginning that towards the end I slowed down just a little and pushed through the end with 28:13 min ! I was 6 out of 89 from my age group 25-29 and 26th out of 711 runners. I was so amazed at myself!

The top three in each age group received a trophy, I didn’t know that. And that’s what led to spark inside of me and wanted to be competitive for next years 5K. I’ll enter into a different age group but my ambition is still there — to beat my PR & be in the top three is possible.


That ambition of mine is still present.

It’s so strange how I received an email about it at work, a coworker had suggested creating a group to sign up for the 10k or 1/2 marathon.  When I read this — I replied back with “I’m interested.” So I signed up for the 10k a few weeks later after I had completed my race.

Then, I noticed my body was regressing again, I figured it was my anemia. I went to the Doctor and she ran blood tests — she told me my Vitamin D was low.  I am still taking a few Vitamin D capsules to bring it up. I thought to myself “maybe I shouldn’t have signed up for this 10k.” I was almost certain I was not going to do it anymore but the ambition part was still there. I join a facebook group that were starting up to train for the 10k but that was an additional $25 to sign up.  I had meet this lady in the group that offered to pay for me and my first reaction was to reject it because I am prideful but then I thought how can I pass this offer. I thanked her several times and now I am training these next 10 weeks for my 10k. This week will be our 3rd week and I am already building up anxiety and trying to be persistent with my workouts.

I googled last years top female in my group range and then overall runners.

Top first female (ages 25-29) came in at 54:54 that’s about a pace of 8 min per mile and top runner (both male and female) at 42min (7:48 min per mile) it was a male, of course.  I don’t think I can beat 42 min for a 10 k but I will be content if I run within the 8min per mile range.


So what now?

After reading The Compound Effect it reminded me how important it is to set a detailed strategic plan to meet my goal.  I strongly recommend reading that book and applying it to your life.  I emailed my coach about joining the fastest group 1 but she replied letting me know that there was only one person that signed up for that group. She will introduce me to someone that I can run with.

My example for my next step to tackle my 10 K within the next 8 weeks.

My goal is to beat my PR range from 8 min per mile – 9 min per mile

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:

  • Surround myself with other fast runners who elevate my exception and prod me to rise to greater levels of commitment and achievement
  • Discipline master of time efficiency
  • Be confident

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

  • follow the training schedule , run 3x a week, weights 3x a week
  • 30 min of planning times, eating a healthy fiber, and protein rich breakfast
  • self care and rest

Existing healthy habits , disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

  • sleeping on time at 9:20pm
  • drink water

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

  • stop looking at instagram before going to bed (Waste of sleep time)
  • no more eating after 7:30pm
  • avoid sweets

Top 3 modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:

  1.  Lift weights — plan ahead of time a High intensity training for 30 min max or 5x reps
  2. eat better — create meal plans ahead of time
  3.  sleep on time — set alarm and be consistent  

How does this relate to personal growth in Social Work?

Reminding myself that I need to set an example for myself and for my clients.  To push myself a little harder and to achieve our personal goals — whatever that might be.  Never give up.

It’s Gonna Be Okay…

How many times have we heard this before :

It’s Gonna Be Okay…

I listen to “women wanting more,” podcast. This post is in reference to episode 550 . Dr. Osburn explains how things come to a head at times in our lives but to remember that there is also a solace in knowing that “this too shall pass.”

She challenges us pick out an experience and observe that experience– what about that situation do we choose to see? Let’s not get caught up in the stress and the DRAMA!

My recent example would be …financial stress. I am constantly re-adjusting my monthly budget. I over exceed my monthly budget for August and the month isn’t even over yet. I know I will be okay in the near future. Recently, I was reminded that  — I am far off better than most 26 yrs old in America.  When I view it in that perspective — it’s true.

My next question to myself would be , “what am I doing about my financial stress” other than setting budgets. I’ve decided to set aside some true savings in another bank that I know I will not touch. My goal is to set $520 for emergency savings (can many 26 yrs. old American’s do that?) vs. setting aside $200 per month (which I’ve used to pay off some credit cards).  I have also cut back using my credit cards (I am only using 1 that gives me cash rewards in return).  I need to tell myself “my grad school loans can wait” and realllyyyy believe it. I struggle with debt like most American’s but I can’t complain too much for having a stable income and being smart about my money.

I will be okay, this too shall pass.

Sometimes, we really have to step back and take a deep breath. It will be okay, seriously. Enjoying my present time because we won’t ever be able to return to our youth — so really take a moment to think about our stress differently. By asking ourselves , “is this worth stressing over?”  …and then perhaps we can really focus on conquering meaningful issues such as fighting for free education so that I wouldn’t be stressing about my loans in the first plave (haha! take it easy, one step at a time, sista).

Termination with clients …

“how would you react, if I tell you today is our last therapy session?”

That’s one way I introduced my slight disruption terminating with my clients. You see, some of patients were transfers from past therapists who might have mentioned on the very first session, ” we will end session when we have meet your goal with XYZ,” and some of us (Clinician’s) might have forgotten.  Or our client’s might have forgotten or have been in counseling for years. Either way, I wanted to make sure all of my clients were aware my new role in the clinic and who their new mental health provider will bee.

I know some of my client’s didn’t even know they had a new therapist (which was me at the time.)

I wanted to leave a good standing with my clients and my colleagues — so I made sure they meet their new therapist or gave them a phone call. With each patient I thanked them so much for allowing me to part of their personal struggles and encouraged them to continue their journey.

I still have about a little less than 10 clients remaining to complete the termination. Its been a bittersweet feeling. A few handful cried with me and told me some of the most nicest things about me, such as “you have been the only therapist that hears me out,” or “you understand me,” or  “you have been really nice to me,” or “you never once judged me and I felt like I open up.”  I mostly nodded to their comment and thanked them but reflected back to them, that they are ones that should be praised for coming in for their therapy and being honest with themselves (using strength based intervention.) I have a few ladies between the ages of 30’s and 60’s trauma related that I wish that I could keep. I reassured them that they are going be in good hands and to continue the good hands.

Happy Friday!


Self – Care & Moving Forward

If you have been reading my blog posts — I’ve been trying to care for myself both professionally and personally. Since July I have been working on making new changes. Usually, I’ve been fearless about making major changes in my life but when it came down to relocating from one state to another for the second time. It made me realize it would be challenging. I convinced myself that I could relocate again and be successful which I think I could have made it but the risks were higher for me. I decided to confide with a few colleagues and friends who supported me but a close friend of mine crunched a few estimated numbers that I didn’t consider. This was a reality check  for me.  Potentially, I can achieve my short term goals in this town. Once I become more financially stable, I can look into relocating , if I so desire.

A quick recap from where I am from originally. So I was born and raised in New York City, a population of 8.55 million (2018 census). I moved to Arkansas a population of 3.02 million (2018 census). The county that I live in currently is estimated about 29,318 people. At some point this town in the 1950’s there were 8,000 people. I’m still learning about this town and I’ve noticed that most people that I have met are not originally from AR. We have a mixture of people from California, to South/Central America, and people coming from neighboring areas.

As you can read there is a great difference in population, there’s a difference in political views (this state is predominantly Republican) , and the culture is more homogeneous. I miss diversity, I miss hearing different languages, I miss the different foods, I miss seeing bright colorful murals (I think NYC has some amazing street artwork), and I miss my friends that I grew up with. It’s been a major adjustment for me and I needed to make changes if I’m going to live here.

Thus, I spoke to my Supervisor about my situation and she encouraged me to take care of myself and my needs. One thing led to another when I spoke to the Children’s supervisor about a change in job description — now I will be working full time with children ages K to 5th grade. I am getting my photo ID today to do counselings at schools and at our outpatient clinic.  I am nervous and excited. I would like to focus on trauma within children’s childhood and providing additional services for Spanish speaking parents.

To wrap this post, please send me comments of questions or topics you would be interested in knowing about me or my professional career.

I’ve been considering posting a few blog videos in the near future.