It’s Gonna Be Okay…

How many times have we heard this before :

It’s Gonna Be Okay…

I listen to “women wanting more,” podcast. This post is in reference to episode 550 . Dr. Osburn explains how things come to a head at times in our lives but to remember that there is also a solace in knowing that “this too shall pass.”

She challenges us pick out an experience and observe that experience– what about that situation do we choose to see? Let’s not get caught up in the stress and the DRAMA!

My recent example would be …financial stress. I am constantly re-adjusting my monthly budget. I over exceed my monthly budget for August and the month isn’t even over yet. I know I will be okay in the near future. Recently, I was reminded that  — I am far off better than most 26 yrs old in America.  When I view it in that perspective — it’s true.

My next question to myself would be , “what am I doing about my financial stress” other than setting budgets. I’ve decided to set aside some true savings in another bank that I know I will not touch. My goal is to set $520 for emergency savings (can many 26 yrs. old American’s do that?) vs. setting aside $200 per month (which I’ve used to pay off some credit cards).  I have also cut back using my credit cards (I am only using 1 that gives me cash rewards in return).  I need to tell myself “my grad school loans can wait” and realllyyyy believe it. I struggle with debt like most American’s but I can’t complain too much for having a stable income and being smart about my money.

I will be okay, this too shall pass.

Sometimes, we really have to step back and take a deep breath. It will be okay, seriously. Enjoying my present time because we won’t ever be able to return to our youth — so really take a moment to think about our stress differently. By asking ourselves , “is this worth stressing over?”  …and then perhaps we can really focus on conquering meaningful issues such as fighting for free education so that I wouldn’t be stressing about my loans in the first plave (haha! take it easy, one step at a time, sista).

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