Training for my first real 10K

Flashback to 2009

During my senior year in undergrad I would meet up with a friend to workout at the gym. Our goal at the time was to lose our freshmen 15-30 lbs. I must have gained about 20 lbs.

One day she decided to take me to run 6 miles. This was the first time ever running that far and I didn’t know how far 6 miles would  take me to complete.  She explained to me the route and was able to visualize the route. I thought to myself, “this is no biggie,” and believe me after I hit 30 min running with no shade, hot sun blazing on my head I nearly passed out.  If I am not mistaking it must have taken us an hour and 30 min. We didn’t give up, she was determined to do this and we wanted to lose weight (haha!) So the next 3-4 times we both got better. I didn’t know anything about personal  record. I do remember being able to fun 6 miles within an hour and after that summer I return back to NYC and never kept it up. I did lose a few pounds but it wasn’t significant. 

Earlier this May 2018

I ran my first 5k ! It was amazing to see how my body was able to push through despite some health concerns that I was going through at the time and continue to deal with pain in both of my shoulder socket and knees (long story). I also found out I was anemic prior to the race. I was consistent with my training — running 3x a week and resting when I felt like my body couldn’t run anymore.  We had a mock training before the big day and that’s when I learned about personal record (PR) mines was 30:03 min. On the real race my anxiety kicked in so high at the beginning that towards the end I slowed down just a little and pushed through the end with 28:13 min ! I was 6 out of 89 from my age group 25-29 and 26th out of 711 runners. I was so amazed at myself!

The top three in each age group received a trophy, I didn’t know that. And that’s what led to spark inside of me and wanted to be competitive for next years 5K. I’ll enter into a different age group but my ambition is still there — to beat my PR & be in the top three is possible.


That ambition of mine is still present.

It’s so strange how I received an email about it at work, a coworker had suggested creating a group to sign up for the 10k or 1/2 marathon.  When I read this — I replied back with “I’m interested.” So I signed up for the 10k a few weeks later after I had completed my race.

Then, I noticed my body was regressing again, I figured it was my anemia. I went to the Doctor and she ran blood tests — she told me my Vitamin D was low.  I am still taking a few Vitamin D capsules to bring it up. I thought to myself “maybe I shouldn’t have signed up for this 10k.” I was almost certain I was not going to do it anymore but the ambition part was still there. I join a facebook group that were starting up to train for the 10k but that was an additional $25 to sign up.  I had meet this lady in the group that offered to pay for me and my first reaction was to reject it because I am prideful but then I thought how can I pass this offer. I thanked her several times and now I am training these next 10 weeks for my 10k. This week will be our 3rd week and I am already building up anxiety and trying to be persistent with my workouts.

I googled last years top female in my group range and then overall runners.

Top first female (ages 25-29) came in at 54:54 that’s about a pace of 8 min per mile and top runner (both male and female) at 42min (7:48 min per mile) it was a male, of course.  I don’t think I can beat 42 min for a 10 k but I will be content if I run within the 8min per mile range.


So what now?

After reading The Compound Effect it reminded me how important it is to set a detailed strategic plan to meet my goal.  I strongly recommend reading that book and applying it to your life.  I emailed my coach about joining the fastest group 1 but she replied letting me know that there was only one person that signed up for that group. She will introduce me to someone that I can run with.

My example for my next step to tackle my 10 K within the next 8 weeks.

My goal is to beat my PR range from 8 min per mile – 9 min per mile

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:

  • Surround myself with other fast runners who elevate my exception and prod me to rise to greater levels of commitment and achievement
  • Discipline master of time efficiency
  • Be confident

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

  • follow the training schedule , run 3x a week, weights 3x a week
  • 30 min of planning times, eating a healthy fiber, and protein rich breakfast
  • self care and rest

Existing healthy habits , disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

  • sleeping on time at 9:20pm
  • drink water

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

  • stop looking at instagram before going to bed (Waste of sleep time)
  • no more eating after 7:30pm
  • avoid sweets

Top 3 modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:

  1.  Lift weights — plan ahead of time a High intensity training for 30 min max or 5x reps
  2. eat better — create meal plans ahead of time
  3.  sleep on time — set alarm and be consistent  

How does this relate to personal growth in Social Work?

Reminding myself that I need to set an example for myself and for my clients.  To push myself a little harder and to achieve our personal goals — whatever that might be.  Never give up.

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