Farewell angels…

I want to share with you the loss of another client. 

I will not provide details of course.  I will only express my feelings in processing my grief. 

The first client I lost was before working a year in the field. I cried for this person. I met this person for at least 3 times. The death was Unknown, possibly of an overdose or withdrawal. I still cannot get over the loss. Because of this person, it changed me in the way I ask my questions and ask often about suicidal thoughts or attempts. 

This next person that passed away, was the nicest person ever. I had the pleasure to work with them for a year. It is also uncertain to me what happened. My thoughts are medical reasons. This time I did not cry, I gave myself some quite time and thought about my work with them. 

If I had a super power, it would be to heal humans from pain, and trauma. 

I have learn quickly that I must adjust to situations in order to continue my work.

I know both souls are looking down on me and others. I wonder whats it like over there. I pray for them whenever I am reminded of them. It is admiring that they have allowed me into their world for a moment where I was their listener and allowed them to feel  safe to express their most deepest concerns. I carry it with me as I continue to help my brothers and sisters in suffering. 

May they rest in peace. Farewell beautiful souls, farewell angels.  

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